Friday, August 30, 2013


deathgrips: money store
John Frusciante- Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Harems. Thoth. Barque. Communication. Speed. Time.

don't worry, be "Hapy".
'He who cuts off the face of him who cuts off your face'

Moses and his army conquer the Ethiopian seraphim with baskets filled with ibis. Orange is the color of the ibis.

. . . Language is not just one function among many
. . . but an all-pervasive characteristic of the individual.
Language permits us to deal with things at a distance,
to act on them without physically handling them . . . [to]
manipulate symbols in ways impossible with the things
they stand for . . . [to] verbally rearrange situations
which in themselves would resist rearrangement . . . [to]
isolate features which in fact cannot be isolated . . . [to]
juxtapose objects and events far separated in time and
space . . . [to] turn the universe symbolically inside out.
 [l]anguage transforms experience. . . . Through language
. . . [he] can [be] induct[ed] . . . into a purely symbolic realm
of past and future, of remote places, of ideal relationships,
of hypothetical events, of imaginative literature, of imagin-
ary entities ranging from werewolves to pi-mesons.
(ibid, p. 43) Joseph Church