The Kiblah is a personal temple where you house your Gods. It has been notoriously cited as Boleskin but there are solutions to such problems. You could acquire a piece of Boleskin and place it at your personal altar. I did.
Here is an opinion of someone I hold in esteem: "I don't regard Boleskine as a power-zone. I worked with Reguli during the late 1980s, the rubric of which calls for the observance of Boleskine, but at no time was there a sensation that I was connecting to anything. Personally I just regard it as a Crowleyan shibboleth, and thus would expect Sabazius - or any other officer of the sodality from whence he hails - to uphold it. In their terms, it's on a par with Mecca."-Michael Staley on Lashtal
Thanks to the Goetic Spirits this is a reality.The Tenth Aethyr which is called ZAX. The Ten Hands of the Court of Hell.
I am reading an interesting book called Angels: An Endangered Species. It is very good so far. Picked it up from the library. Almost passed on it. I find myself in the world of the Enochian. I am developing a form of demonic/qliphotic dimension to the Aeythrs. So far the theory is leading to praxis. It incorporates elements of the cube of space as well.In The Angels' Message to Humanity by the Schuelers, th ey mention a cube mandala known as the tablet of Chaos. Though they do not endorse its use, they did include a chapter to it in the book. As a foundation point of operation, this is greatly useful. I am simply expanding upon some of the work others have done and constructing a basis of operation. I should add that I am studying Lavey's Enochian work in The Satanic Bible. I think His nod in this direction is notable.
I am convinced that ceremonial magick can implement stages or cycles of evolution that facilitates physical apotheosis. For instance, some feel the ritual of the pentagram and the elements precedes the ritual of the hexagram which engages the planets. Setting up an expanding framework and sphere of influence. One divides the Four quarters and establishes ones self as Lord of the Four Quarters. Then expand the hexagram to the six sides of a cube around your circle of influence. At this stage it goes from planetary to the Cube of Space. A 22 fold arrangment that is the equivalent of filling all spheres of influence with Goetic and Qliphotic allies.
Transitioning from dimensionality into a higher pattern of time space.
I still study the Art of the Sword for the next stage. 72 cm blade. Ninjato. Each Daimyo, or Feudal Lord, possessed 40 to 50 ninja.
To form a Ninja family one must create an Egregore. Egregore creation and destruction is not dissimilar to setting up a Temporary Autonomous Zone. There are Eight stages to Egregore life cycles:
It would require the input of parties involved. One Lord (the head of the corporation), two branch managers (one male one female), and six governors. Nine total. This is what Howard Hughes did. Numerologically the total Nine is significant in terms of completion. I need to read up on the Nine from Peter Levenda's Book. I found a copy of the Temple of Set's structure, which is also based on Nine.