Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Myth of Ancestry

 There is a prevailing attitude of certainty with some people in terms of the ancestral heritage. I find it funny now that with D.N.A. testing people are finding that such linear thinking was maybe not the case. Adoption, slaves, and masters are showing up in family trees. My Father is really interested in linking our ancestry to historical figures. I have seen others do this and I have even wondered whether I am related to Robert Rogers who created the Rangers. 

It is a silly activity to me but I am not certain why. On one hand, I understand the importance of ancestor worship, but the population reduces further you go back and the names are lost. Hence the attraction some people have to Adam and Eve and the idea we descended from trees. That leaves it settled for a great number of people living. Mother Africa and the great Land Bridge to the Americas are prevailing myths but there are notable exceptions to their arguments. From the looks of it, people were sailing everywhere and interfucking the whole migration. 

There were these remarkable hubs though where people came together and created enormous Earth magic. Gobekli Tepe is one of my favorites. One of the common themes I se in the era in which I live (and probably won't go away in this incarnation), is that of race. I detest it on a deep level. I do not believe in races. It is a meme that uses people to create more of its type. Identifying with culture and memes is dangerous business at the expense of the individual expression. It appears to be inherent in the human condition at times, but I feel it is a parasite that must be monitored. 

Some people feel a sort of patriotism toward the struggles of our ancestors and feel like they are literally the continuation of their singular story. They feel personally affected by the history of atrocities and hardship that their ancestors endured. This feeling gives way to appreciation and reverence and other side effects associated with encouraging this meme. Next thing you know you are buying family crest items and clan colors for your kilt. I can't wait until people start finding how inbred our ancestors sometimes were. So shocking for most. 

The idea of going back to an ancestral Motherland is also a concept rendered null by the the practice of genius loci. I mentioned historical sites and there is no problem going on a hajj to a sacred place, but the idea your people were of a specific place is unlikely. They were probably nomadic. Responding to the pressures of the environment. When you have a tie with a place you must go and visit. It is important and should be place on priority in terms of life. There is unfinished business there. Check it out. We have been following this drive to explore longer than we have written records. 

Following this intuition is similar to dowsing or Earth magic that has been practiced for a long time. Part of what Rupert Sheldrake called the morphogenetic field. Some feel they share a bloodline. Or are part of a select group. This easily lends itself to the meme of racism. A farmer may select from the kinds of chickens on hand then introduce measures of bloodline to heritage. People easily extend such ideas to human beings. Part of Patriarchal Dominance. Easily spread among men in terms of echogenetic material in the form of copies to exist beyond the lifetime of a single organism. The prepetuating D.N.A. myth of regeneration through procreation. 

We know now the meme is a strong competitor to genetics. An adopted child may present the memetic resonance of the adoptive parents more apparently than even their genetically related children. Some proudly adopt the name of their family and that is history. Age is key, and a name. A name is something that represents one of the last traditions of all cultures. We are in the Kali Yuga and things are no longer bound to Tradition. The Surname may go back hundreds of years. Representing a link of allegiance to a series of predecessors that carried the same banner. 

My last name goes back many years. I have only changed the pronunciation of my first name and kept the Jr, sometimes saying the II. These things are blinks of an eye. In terms of antiquity, we go further back than our titles.  Some are born of bloodlines that were more nomadic, others born from sedentary shifts into settlements. Some are born wanderers, others are not. Not every line will continue. Some will adopt new titles and forms. As of yet, I retain mine. 

It has been a race of conquest and expansion. It endures, and life continues. Western concepts are given to children like names. They take root like the trees of life. The roots extend deep into the brain and effect the foliage blossoming above. Your roots are bathed in shit. Take a break from this race long enough to breathe with your head above water. There is something to be said about the responsibility of inheritance. We cannot be held responsible for our ancestors actions but we can be possessed by their effects upon our own endeavors. 

I still know very little about Rupert Sheldrake's theory but it looks promising for restoring some aspects of my ancestral veneration. As for now, I will look into terraforming the Earth. 

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