Saturday, September 24, 2022

Cryosleep and Polyphasic sleep


Pyramid Necropolis they have built in the American Desert

This is an excellent and sometimes humorous book that breaks down polyphasic sleep cycles. Aligning your system to a clock is useful. You can be ultimately more productive with less sleep and a discipline. I have experimented with these methods and find them greatly useful. Practicing Liber Resh vel Helios with the four quarters of the clock divided can implement well with Dymaxion polyphasic sleep. The dreams are much more vivid for work on that level of consciousness.
A schedule like this will alter your consciousness and change your reality. I find that the adjustment period is discussed well in the book. When a 24 hour period is opened up like this you can have a really magickal life. Filled with ritual, mantra, pranayama, movies, and other exercises designed to facilitate higher dimensions of awareness. You will do well to read and write to occupy your time. As well as physical exercise to shrug off the sleep adjustment feelings. 

Cryosleep or suspension upon death is something that still interests me. The idea that a revived body could be recovered by nanotechnology is still something I would like to read more on. Moron. I have looked into the process of Bio-stasis and contacted a company for more information. It requires a life insurance policy that would pay for the costs acquired through suspension. They had a list of several companies to call and a list of lawyers. I might look into it again. I contacted Alcor.

I was first made aware of the potentials of Bio-stasis via Timothy Leary in my Son's copy of Design for Dying. As a transhumanist it aligns with my point of view. Also the ideas expressed in parallel worlds theories still haunts me. I don't know if I am capable of doing it but I want to know more before deciding. The Frankenstein story comes to mind and it would be like inventing Mikhale Rogers the Third. Transhumanism started with the interaction of mankind with a more advanced race of beings.

I currently take a posthuman injection that puts me into a base line of dharana. These drugs are still in development but are getting better. At best they are posthuman but the modification could be a beginning for A.I. nanotech in the future. Transhuman. In one direction the topic was sleep and now it is another direction of cryonics. I have taken my Lovecraft compilation to bed for night reading. It talks of Sleep.

As I commune with Nature and commune with the cycles, I can use devices to stabilize my own orbit. Can you regenerate a star? The imagination says yes. The Egyptian mummification process is evidently a precursor to the cryonics premise. I have always had a fondness for the treating of the corpse by the Egyptians. The necromancy involved fascinates me. Skulls are significant trophies for the Necromancer. A head can be preserved if you do not mind seperating it from the body. 

Go full body. After my time spent in sensory deprivation tanks I feel fine enclosed in a chamber. The idea of being frozen in one as opposed to being filled with toxic chemicals and buried in the Earth is certainly more attractive. I signed onto the mailing list for the City of Pyramids, which I am calling it. I am looking more into the Sirius star system. There is a book by Robert Temple which Kenneth Grant references. Other than that I am not coming up with much. 

I recall Grant Morrison had an experience with Alpha centauri. The closest star system to Earth I read.He was approached by chrome liquid like being. Not unlike the image above. Making an establishing contact is desirable on some levels. To Sirius I mean. I need to revist Cosmic Trigger 1 and listen to what R.A.W. has to say. It has been a while. As I look over now at the copy of Design for Dying I read "With R.U. Sirius". Yes I am. I will look up the Goetic spirit assigned to Sirius. 

From the Stellas Daemonium. It took some time to find something, but I found it. Seere. The Man and his Dog. Should be easy enough to recognize. Orion is one I am familiar with. Moving into Winter I will be able to see them.

Orion is always in close proximity to a very useful, navigable star - the dog star, which is the brightest star in the night sky (It’s other name, Sirius, is appropriately derived from the ancient Greek for “Glowing” or “Scorcher”).

Sirius can be located by extending an imaginary line, left of Orion’s belt, for about 6 times the length of Orion’s belt. Eventually your imaginary line will hit a very bright star - Sirius.


This quote from Kenneth Grant, and Aleister Crowley in the Hidden God describes what had occurred in the 6th Age and in 1776 under the veil of the goddess with ten thousand names – “Horus is thus Hrumachis, son of the Star, Sirius… Sirius, Sothis or Set-An, thus represents the supreme, the eternal light. Sirius is therefore the key to the present Aeon of Horus, for it represents the Energy of Satan that will permeate the Earth during the present cycle.”

Sirius is a place Masons wish to ascend unto. Somehow this has something to do with the currency conspiracies. I wander into the stranger areas of the interwebs.

“Sirius, or Set, was the original “headless one” – the light of the lower region (the south) who was known (in Egypt) as An (the dog), hence Set-An (Satan), Lord of the infernal regions, the place of heat, later interpreted in a moral sense as “hell”

the hell notes take me back to my childhood and seeing them in Asian grocery stores. Satan. Iblis. Samyaza. 

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