Thursday, September 22, 2022

Some more Death and the short comings of Psychology

 I just finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. It is really a great read. You can feel the anxiety in it. The movie was well done in portrayal of several scenes in the book. It doesn't surprise me knowing Terry Gilliam was the director. I am a fan of his films. Made glass art for the first time yesterday. Met a woman who brought her mobile glass blowing shop out to Snake Village. Her and a gentleman told me about their experiences with Burning Man. Pretty insightful details. 

I will be taking care of the farm alone for a few days. We had two ducks killed by something the other night, so we are putting the rest in the chicken coup. The eldest duck got hurt pretty bad last night. We had to cull one of the chickens. It had a deformed beak and couldn't eat. The kids named it "Composter". Now it is. 

Butchering animals is salve to the anxiety of death. You choose a "humane" method and go about the process. There are peaceful ways to go. No one cares about the root that is violently ripped from its soil home. Nor do they care about deforestation to make room for monocrops. It isn't true. People care. Some feel at an ethical loss and lack a direction to go in. So they compromise. Does Nature compromise?

Craving, do you understand? Craving. Do you understand this word? It's a disgusting word. Craving, the scientist craving for the liberation of such immensity of energy was finally realised. He'd become spellbound by his part in unleashing the forces of nature.-Jaz Coleman, The Courtauld Talks.

Craving is a characteristic of the Goddess Babalon. This yearning to unite or satiate is not unlike the Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet and her blood lust. There are supposed analogs or variations of a set of dispositions that a divine body may manifest. The psychologists with their safe and sterile methods rendered this inert by calling them archetypes. It was Crowley and the other adepts who collected the information and brought it forward with the tree of life, preceding the idea of a collective unconscious.

I am not really a fan of psychology. It promises more than it delivers. The premise of studying the mind and it's functions is something I am into but I just don't agree of divorcing yourself from magick: A unified system to manage your psychological components. The Red Book by Jung convinced me the magickians and alchemists were right. Then I heard about how Jung channeled an entity, Philemon. These things are generally not discussed by mainstream circles. It reminds me of Christianity and it's selective judgement. 

The occult history of psychology is interesting to a point. Some readers will be diverted from psychology to occultism via this approach but it is interesting to note how the ancient healers spoke of the symbols of Nature. It was treated as a living force. Simply observed and revered. A connection to the divine realms. Or infernal ones. With psychology it rendered the relationships dead or inert with new terms for old ideas, and a priesthood was built to facilitate therapy. The idea was the Psychologist was advanced and could effectively treat the idiot: A clinical term that has lost it's meaning.

With Magick one can restore the intrinsic Nature of a symbol and internalize it, over all effecting the organism (operator). You will be required to become the Priest. No more relying on the sermons of another. You will have to prove your own testimony to yourself. You will search hard the books, the recordings, the whole host of mediums of information but it will avail you to be discovering your own practice. It will be like a unique song or dance that you alone perform. This is an Art and a Science. These divisions are false and illusory. 

I read a book called On Killing by Grossman and was struck by the amount of time given to instill in the mind a disposition for intelligent violence. The discipline, ethics, and decision to kill or not kill are entrusted upon the ordinary soldier, although they will be asked to commit extraordinary acts. Exclusively killing another human being. Many psychological theories exist but the ideas adopted by the military are a supreme variety of behavioral manipulation. 

So are there psychologists I like? The answer is yes. I enjoy the work of Dr. Timothy Leary. I would be curious to read what HST has to say about Leary. I find a book with an article written about Leary by HST. 

Leary created The Eight Circuit Model which I am into. I have read a couple of his books and also liked them. Dr. Robert Anton Wilson is considered a contemporary of Leary and he is ok, but I moved away from his writings. Dr. Christopher Hyatt is someone who I have enjoyed but not fully grasped. More notably on the Eight Circuit Model, is Antero Alli who isn't a doctor. His works are excellent. Praxis.

It has an Eight week course designed within that you can do yourself. Highly recommended. I digress. I also enjoy the work of Dr. Paul Maclean although it is dated. 

Though I am most familiar with the triune brain through Carl Sagan's work on the subject in Dragons of Eden. Sagan can get on my nerves but his explanations are generally on point. He is not a psychologist. In fact there are several non-psychologists that do a good job of explaining things. For instance, Howard Bloom and his book The Lucifer Principle. Bloom is himself an atheist but it doesn't keep me from adopting the scientific theory he advances. Scientific Illuminism is capable of such things. 

Another writer I have not yet made my mind up about is Julius Evola. The more I read the less I feel I understand with him at times. He has a cadance and way with ideas that is translated into english quite well. You get the distinct impression of a voice. So far I have read the following books but couldn't effectively communicate the ideas expressed in them. 

(Most of)
This one was very clear...

With the exception of The Hermetic Tradition I have very little to say about these books other than I enjoyed reading them. I will go back and reread them soon. Evola is an enduring interest. It feels like reading Terence Mckenna, Like there is some meat in these writings that are occulted. I go to the index or table of contents and select a topic to read from and enjoy these texts from time to time. Part of Magick is becoming comfortable with possessions. Particularly books and ritual implements. A library is a useful source of companionship and wisdom. A particularly useful thing to have in the Kali Yuga cycle.

My ritual implements are soldierly. My dagger is black and skeletonized so that nothing can be inscribed on the hilt. It is effective at blood letting. My wand is of a fox femur and porcupine quill. Blessed with a runic seal and painted black. Binah. My pentacle is used as a practical device which I may place items upon. It has no sign or pattern. Its weight is heavy and it is made from some sort of stone. It's color is a greyish white: Chokmah. 

My cup is stainless steel and is a utility camp cup. Suitable for holding a canteen carrying my Eucharist. On these cups you can inscribe but I have chosen not to. Maybe I will and tell you about it later. Next is the fire. I use a metal stove for burning fuel and heating or burning things. It can also be utilized with charcoal I suppose. I carry some resinous woods to burn in fires that I might start. My altar is small and inscribed with all 72 Goetic seals upon the surface. Complimented by an inverted pentagram. The pentacle sits perfectly on it. 

Some thoughts on the Bell. I have two ritual bells. One is a tiny Tibetan bell made with a striker that often strikes several notes at a time. Kind of chaotic and clears the air. The second bell is also Tibetan and it is a descent sized singing bowl. IF struck it has a gong like resonance, if swept upon the edge it makes a feedback effect. The small bell served as a bear bell while climbing to Snow Peak cabin in Washington State. The Satanic Bible mentions the use of a gong. I find that really interesting to do. They are just so costly so I haven't yet. 

Much of Magick requires assets and time commitments. Two things that are sometimes unpredictable in occurrence. A tell tale sign that it is a pattern in Nature like gathering. My suggestion is to do like Crowley with your wealth and fuel your creative genius with it. Use it while you got it. The physical or material basis of things requires the labor of an operator to fully fulfill its results. This is said but most be noted that one should not suffer for "lust of result". Look it up. Part of the Will is surrendered to external forces which manipulate them and while doing so, are barely perceptable to the aware mind. 

This phase is the Dark phase which is not only sought out, but is the process of cycling energy. The time will come for it to manifest. If you do magick to create a book, for instance, it is best you set aside the time to begin to write. An actualizing activity is sometimes necessary. A phrase from lyrics comes to mind:

Where figures from the past stand tall
And mocking voices ring the halls

Imperialistic house of prayer
Conquistadors who took their share

Sometimes, they are calling me. The haunted thoughts of the wanderers. They are possessed by desire and seek to influence the world around them yet again. This time through the acts of others. Some of these people around us are not possesses of minds of their own but the torments of those serving in Hell. Or Hel if you prefer. There is a book by a Psychologist that says the dead are responsible for much chaos and turmoil in the lives of modern people. The book is called the Unquiet Dead by Dr. Edith Fiore. According to Her I am definitely posessed. I will read some Gurdjieff on the the big I and small I's in Ouspensky's book. "Legion for we are many." One of my favorite bible passages. The possessed have their inheritance. It is no light one. 

I have several books on the subject of Exorcism. One noteworthy one is by a woman named Josephine McCarthy. The Darker influences still persuade me though. So I reference them and recommend them, but I haven't done anything practical with it. Though the Author is a practicing Exorcist and has identified some useful ritual components. It is a good book to read over. Very practical. 

Pat is on my mind today. I never got the closure of going to his funeral. I did see him one last time before he slipped into a coma and died. He was an avid motorcycle rider. He refrained for years to just settle in and raise his daughter. He even swore off alcohol for all those years. Eventually, his daughter married me and we moved to a place of our own. Soon the motorcycle was back and he had taken to drinking at a local bar. He was a grandpa now! Pat was very loving towards me and accepting even though I was strange and different. I don't know exactly why, but He did. He will make an appearance on my ancestor shrine. Some paths you come across aren't blood related but what are the probabilities that the two should meet?

I should say something about Enduro's or dual sport motorcycles. I have always been told a KLR650 from Kawasaki is a good bike. I know next to nothing about the others. The KLR 650 is taller which is a plus given my height. It is heavy though. The Yamaha TW200 looks appealing. A lot lighter. It would need some risers. WTF is a Rokon? 

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