Monday, September 5, 2022

The Moth

The Vintage Modified Baritone Jazzmaster from Squier offers players an exceedingly comfortable 30-inch scale length, with a C-shaped profile maple neck and a rosewood fingerboard with a 9.5-inch radius and 21 medium-jumbo frets with white pearloid block inlays. This Baritone Jazzmaster is outfitted with two Duncan Designed JM-101 single-coil, full-bodied pickups with Alnico 5 magnets, controlled via a three-way pickup switch.

Around 2016 I picked up one of these, and I love playing it. It is a bit more exciting than the guitar. The Baritone scale is greatly enhancing. Definitely in my key. Basswood body. My little Vox amp can't handle the low end very well and my other amp is downstairs in the temple. 

My amp in the temple room is a Behringer GMX1200H. I have removed mos t of the logos and it stands atop a matching fullstack of Behringer Speakers. I can play audio or instruments through it from within my magick circle. Should I wish to audio scry I can do so. 

This device is something I have been interested in trying. It could be hooked up to the amplification equipment and routed out the speakers during scrying sessions. It records so that would be another redundancy that I could have in conjunction with a audio recorder. Electronics and spirit work have had some progress made. 

One of my recording devices is the Fostex X-14 on four track cassette tape. I have recorded one side of an EP on the X-14 and I think I will track with the baritone guitar on side two. The X-14 power supply is a wall plug in. An audio recorder running on batteries will also be used. 

The circle should be seven to nine feet. Possible for corpse position to be taken. I am over six foot. I have considered drawing, painting, and cloth variants of the circle. I have found one that suites my taste from a seller on The Qabalistic influence is important to my operations. The Holy Words remain in the center of the serpent. I already have the Triangle in the East. 
I am needing some direction with my book I am writing. It hasn't been the first time I have utilized Goetic magick to produce a piece of art. I am getting the idea now that I should seek to complete this aspect of work. In a word: Work. The Great Work. I don't give the Monotheistic gestures credence in my work. Meaning I do not pray to God. 

It has been said that you shoudln't mistake the Goetia for equals among humans. Although the book I am citing gives them lesser stature, I am proposing they be given a higher stature. That of Entities capable of teaching and demonstrating powerful magickal methods even unto the physical sphere. Some have felt the terms Thoughforms or Egregores are relatively neutral ways of handling the Beings in the Goetia, I have felt inclined to listen to the words of a book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
"I wasn't born with enough middle fingers, I don't need to choose a side"- Marilyn Manson 
In the Manichean world of black and white I feel myself moving from White into Grey. Thee Grey Book still whispers to me and I can recall the words of the Green Beret who told me "Be the grey man. " A descendant of both masters and slaves. 

Not that the Black doesn't seem inviting. I have long ago accepted that side. It's influence continues to thrive and my orientation is in relation to my mastery of these arts. I am a practioner but still developing in terms of characteristics. A strange changing hexagram from the I Ching. 23: Deterioration.The Moth in your clothing eats in the dark. 

Today's spirit is Gaap. I flipped to this spirit randomly with my partner yesterday in one of my qabalistic books. I will go back to it: =873/153 ☿ and , to wander, doubt. Ignorance. Gaap is a Prince. Cedar incense. Tin. Jupiterfor sure. The scent shall fill the house as I channel this energy. Tomorrow will be a suitable day. I will make the talismans today in preparation. Smoke letters are an effective means for carrying along information and requests to the party involved. Make them as elaborate as you like or feel moved to do. These should be burned during the ritual to symbolize the transference to other realms and destroying of the Lust of Result. 

This is my scroll holder for talismans and other parchments to be kept during operations until burning. 
This is a good book for guidance on alternative prayer methods. 

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